
Thursday, November 02, 2006

BN1 threw his first proper wobbler today... it was cracking... thankfully hubby was home to help deal with it... all because he wanted his yoghurt, before he had eaten his tea. We stuck to our guns though, and eventually, tea was eaten, and then he had his yoghurt!!!

Feeding BN2 has been better today again.... In fact I actually made it out for a brief walk today, although it wasn't til 4pm, so we didn't stay out to long.

The midwife called today to weigh BN2. Thankfully he has started to put weight on, but I wasn't suprised, now that we know that he wasn't getting any milk in the latter parts of the day. Midwife also commented that I was looking better today, she said I looked dreadful the other day, but didn't want to say!!

I have managed to express a bit more today, so I am feeling quite good about that at the moment, but not sure if we will be able to breast feed again. We will just have to see how that goes.


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