
Friday, October 27, 2006

I sent Grandma to the supermarket with BN1 today for Colief. Just in anticipation of Colic striking. We used Colief with BN1 and it worked a treat for us, well worth the £10 (yep its expensive compared to Infacol, but it worked for BN1)

We, somehow, managed to miss the midwife calling this morning. She left a note saying that she had called, and that she would call again tomorrow. I need her now!!!!

I called the number left, and she said she would call again within the hour!! And she did.

I was struggling to feed BN2 when she arrived. As soon as she saw me she came over, readjusted me, my seating position, and my hold of BN2, and whilst Bn2 was feeding she massaged my breast. And it was great. By the end of the days the boulders that were my breast, didn't feel or look quite so hard.

The midwives that visit you at home are worth their weight in gold, they work so hard.


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