
Sunday, October 22, 2006

I am sooo glad I made Grandad and Aunty stop in a hotel last night, as we didn't have a good night. Latching on seems to be taking for ever, and every time we got BN2 settled BN1 was unsettled. I think it was because he was worried that I wasn't going to be there when he woke in the morning.

When morning eventually came Grandma got BN1 up out of bed, and immediately I made hubby get up and bring BN1 into our bedroom, so that BN1 could be reassured that I was here by seeing me. It seemed to do the trick, and then he went off with Grandma happy as can be for breakfast and a story!!!

Grandad and Aunty occupied BN1 for most of the day, playing football etc. It was nice to have them help. I can't wait til I can play a bit more like I did before my bump got too large. We are trying our best to ensure BN1 isn't feeling too left out. He seems okay so far.

Grandma helped bathe BN1 before going home, that too was a great help, I didn't feel like I would have had lightning reactions if anything was to happen whilst BN1 was in the bath.

Tomorrow is our first day without help from the grandparents... I am sure we will be okay.


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