
Monday, November 13, 2006

One week on from the midwife discharging us, and all is going well. BN2 is eating better, and sleeping better, with the occassional lump of wind.

I finally registered BN2's birth today. It was as simple as book the appointment, turn up and answer a few questions. Now as I registered BN2 in a different health authority to the one he was actually born in, I have to wait a few days for the birth certificate to be sent to me. Only then will I be able to claim my child benieft, or whatever it is called for BN2, receive BN2's child trust fund voucher, and open a bank account for BN2.

I have been left alone with BN1 and BN2 for the first time this evening, well it was a bit daunting, but worked out okay, not bad considering it was bed time for the two of them aswell!!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

The midwife has finally discharged us from her care today. BN2 has finally regained his birth weight. Have spoken to the midwife on stopping breast feeding. She was very positive and said that at least BN2 had breastmilk for a couple of weeks, and that the best way to stop is to stop expressing milk unless the breasts become too sore when full, and then only express enough to easy the discomfort. Hopefully this shouldn't take too long

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Milk supply is no better... but at least BN2 is feeding better, and looking much better now. Not sure if the EBM (Expressed Breast Milk) is any good though as BN2 seems to be very hungry straight after a feed. Going to speak to the midwife about it tomorrow, and I may not bother with the expressing.

Other than that all is going well, no routine yet... obviously... but feeling more human and able to get out and about for a walk or two.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

BN1 threw his first proper wobbler today... it was cracking... thankfully hubby was home to help deal with it... all because he wanted his yoghurt, before he had eaten his tea. We stuck to our guns though, and eventually, tea was eaten, and then he had his yoghurt!!!

Feeding BN2 has been better today again.... In fact I actually made it out for a brief walk today, although it wasn't til 4pm, so we didn't stay out to long.

The midwife called today to weigh BN2. Thankfully he has started to put weight on, but I wasn't suprised, now that we know that he wasn't getting any milk in the latter parts of the day. Midwife also commented that I was looking better today, she said I looked dreadful the other day, but didn't want to say!!

I have managed to express a bit more today, so I am feeling quite good about that at the moment, but not sure if we will be able to breast feed again. We will just have to see how that goes.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I have been to the doctors this morning, to discuss yesterdays issues. He has told me to change my dose back to my pre pregnant dose immediately, and he has taken blood. He sounded as suspicious as us. He has tried to reassure me that hopefully my milk supply will return to "normal" when the levels have rectified themselves, and that BN2 is now producnig his own thyroxine so it should not effect him at all.

I feel much better having visited the doctor, not quite as emotional as yesterday. I am going to keep trying to express to encourage milk, and hopefully I will be able to resume breast feeding shortly.

Carried on trying to express today, and have supplemented with formula as and when I have needed to.... but just as we thought we were getting somewhere, the dreaded colic seems to have put in an appearance.... thank you for getting Colief in advance!!!

Just had to put up with the screaming from BN2 as the Colief gets to work