
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hooray, its my last week at work and already my diary is filling up with things that I must do before baby arrives. Order carpet, get carpet fitted, build flat pack furniture, get hair cut, get nails done, assemble buggy and make sure I know how to use the rain cover for my new double buggy.

TIP: check out the rain cover before baby arrives, mine stank of new plastic, and took 10 minutes to work out who to put on

I seem to be breeding buggies faster than babies, I now have three - a travel system (brilliant!), a light weight buggy (rubbish), and now a double buggy (yet to be tried - Cosatto Duet Lite!!! - keep reading for updates on this one).

And to make it worse the travel system comes with a carry cot and car seat both of which i will be using for BN2, so have to keep it for now, plus its handy for when BN1 is in nursery. So for now we are just going to have to keep all three.


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